Tag: women wirters

Why We Need To Tell More Than One Story About Any Culture
I remember the first time I watched Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talks, “The Danger of A Single Story.” It moved me and stayed with me for a long time. I had talked about this very issue to some of my friends but had never heard this point-of-view with such eloquence. When a big-name New York City-based agent expressed […]

A Perfect Explanation (Salt Books)
My father was sold by his mother to his aunt for £500. This shocking truth, which came to form the backbone of A Perfect Explanation, was something I’d known all my life. I don’t remember learning it – so casually was it known in the family that its existence was not something of drama. It […]

A Cheat Sheet To Writing A Novel In Suburbia
“How did you do it?” They look at me. Middle-aged, over-weight with a baby on my hip, twins holding onto my leg, bags under my eyes, grey strands of hair making their appearance, an office badge dangling from my neck, still clad in my business attire while attending a Cub Scouts function. “Really, how did […]

Where have all the Mobile Libraries gone? By Olivia Rana
When I was a child I can vividly remember the mobile library coming to my rural school in County Fermanagh. It arrived once a fortnight, bringing great excitement for bookworms like myself, and a welcome break from the tedium of schoolwork. We would promptly line up outside the school gates and wait our turn as […]

Why We Write About Paris
What is it about Paris that makes it such a glorious setting for a book? From novels to memoir to cookbooks, Paris has been the setting for countless literary creations over the years. In every genre and style, the City of Light has made an appearance. I’ve contributed to that, writing novel Paris, Rue des […]
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