Comments on: Writing with Dyslexia Tue, 31 Dec 2013 14:31:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Featuring Women Writers on WWWB 2013 - Women Writers, Women Books Tue, 31 Dec 2013 14:31:12 +0000 […] with Belinda Pollard – Rachel C. Lewis But Who will Want to Read it? – Judith Kinghorn Writing with Dyslexia – Tamsin Jupp How to Avoid Writer’s Arse – Talli Roland Creativity in Pregnancy – Eleanor […]

By: Andie Berryman Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:54:29 +0000 Thanks so much for writing this,like you and a couple of commenter’s I was diagnosed in my late twenties and whilst I can spell, I have huge problems with grammar and maintaining story-lines due to short term memory problems.Its good to know that there are different forms of writing for different abilities as I don’t class dyslexia as a ‘disability’.

By: jane yates Fri, 25 Oct 2013 18:22:09 +0000 Hello Tasmin,
many thanks for writing your wonderful artical.
I too was diagnosed when i was in my twentys
i have always been a painter

but i did not start to right a book untill i was 50, last year

i find the hardest thing, that i cant see a mistake in my writting, and then dealing with people remarks like i was just to lasy

my second book should be live today, and i would say to any dyslexic wimin, be barve and go for it, i have not looked back, i get such nice comments about my books.

jane @JYparadoxchild

thank you

By: Elaine Jeremiah Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:25:31 +0000 This is so inspiring. My brother and my husband both have dyslexia and both are avid readers who’ve kept on persevering in spite of struggling with learning to read and write.

I love what you’ve written about substituting one word for another and that you’re able to show rather than tell. Not having dyslexia myself, this is hugely interesting for me. I’m the opposite – I often struggle to show rather than tell. I’m learning but it’s taking a while.

By: Miriam Drori Sun, 18 Aug 2013 11:57:40 +0000 I don’t think people who don’t have dyslexia can really understand the thought processes or the experiences of those who do. That doesn’t mean that I think you shouldn’t write about it. On the contrary. It’s important for everyone to know as much as they can about it, including the advantages and disadvantages it brings. Thank you for adding to my knowledge.

By: Writing with Dyslexia - Women Writers, Women Bo... Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:14:34 +0000 […] "Over the years I’ve found it easier to express myself in writing than in conversation with a stranger. With someone I know well it’s fine, I’m relaxed and articulate. Sometimes even witty. But with stress and tiredness it sneaks out and starts to win, the internal override switch no longer works and I lose control. Letters don’t sit in the right places, they swap themselves around when I’m not looking and thoughts jump around in an illogical way. Alice with labyrinth thoughts, twisting and turning, branching out then suddenly ending with no warning. That’s the dyslexia.dyslexia…  […]

By: Bridget Whelan Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:33:52 +0000 As the mother of two severely dyslexic children – both now adult – and the daughter of a severely dyslexic father I welcome your post. I also teach creative writing to adults and in nearly every class I have at least one student who is dyslexic – sometimes unrecognized. While I applaud your positive attitude, I wouldn’t want to underestimate the struggle that many dyslexics experience. They are at least as bright as most people and are often a good deal more creative with an infinity for language and design, but they have a barrier to overcome and it is a tough one. You only have to look at the incidence of dyslexia among the prison population to know that without skilled support and understanding, the frustration and anxiety of a learning difficulty that can put you at the bottom of the class when you ought to be competing for first place can be destructive.

By: Jessica Surely Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:29:19 +0000 very nice. improving our ability to express ourselves is something we constantly strive for, throughout our lives… and whatever our own particular challenges may be, we can be sure that countless others share in the same struggles.

i think these types of posts are valuable and inspirational to many. they also provide your friends/followers with deeper insight into you. and that is appreciated
