Tag: why women write

Why Women Write: Part One of Two
We asked, “Why do you write?” To persuade? To inform? To change the world? In 1946, George Orwell wrote an essay called, “Why I Write.” This popular piece explained who he was, and why he decided to become a writer. What were his motives? What were his desires? We at Women Writers, Women Books, however, […]

From I.T. to I.T. Girl
There’s a question writers ask themselves: if no one was to read your work, would you still write? The answer for me is no. I write because I want to communicate something. The emergence of writing in me was slow and it came by accident. I was restless in my job and trying to think of a […]

Writing as Compulsion
Writing is a compulsion for me, but where does that force within come from, I wonder. I’ve never tried to explain it before, but perhaps it stems from reading. Librarians and teachers of literacy often express a desire for youngsters to “discover the joys of reading.” I’m guessing that joy of reading is behind my […]
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