Comments on: The Poetic World of Emily Brontë Tue, 23 Feb 2016 13:58:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beatriz F. Tue, 23 Feb 2016 13:58:03 +0000 I’ve been rather obsessed with the Brontes lately — I’ve always loved WH and Emily’s poetry. I’ve just written two poems inspired by WH and by an interesting article I found about the connection between Emily Dickinson and Emily Bronte: “Emily Brontë and Emily Dickinson: Parallel Lives on Opposing Shores” by Wendy Anne Powers.

I look forward to your new articles–I’m also rather intrigued by this idea of being an “independent scholar” — I just realized that’s what I aspire to be, maybe am on the road to being–maybe you could write something about that–publishing challenges, for example?

By: Chris Wolak Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:18:45 +0000 I’m a Willa Cather fan(atic) and have re-read her novels multiple times, sometimes 10 years apart. They become practically new novels for me as I relate to and understanding them in completely different ways, as you point out above is one of the joys of re-reading. Wuthering Heights is a novel I’ve yet to complete–I’ve tried twice and couldn’t get into it. Your perspective on it encourages me to give it another try.

By: diana perkins Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:40:50 +0000 Thank you…. I missed that, her writing so about grief. I’ll have to read it again with that in mind and check out her poetry.

By: Rostand Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:04:35 +0000 Maturity and experience have given me new perspectives on many stories, also. With Wuthering Heights, for example, Young Me considered it a brilliant love story. Older Me saw it as a twisted, stalking obsession of two people unable to grow as individuals, no matter how toxic they were for each other. Can’t wait to read again and see what I see. Still love it.

By: pooja pathak Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:36:01 +0000 very true. I feel same for second reading of any novel. second reading makes easier to understand the left out concepts.
