writing that crosses genres Archives - Women Writers, Women's Books http://booksbywomen.org/tag/writing-that-crosses-genres/ Tue, 27 Mar 2012 23:00:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 39938774 Celebrating Rejection Letters? Easy After Finding Felicity is Published http://booksbywomen.org/celebrating-rejection-letters-after-finding-felicity-is-published-by-monica-marlowe/ http://booksbywomen.org/celebrating-rejection-letters-after-finding-felicity-is-published-by-monica-marlowe/#comments Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:45:20 +0000 http://booksbywomenorg.netfirms.com/?p=1277 Rejection letters are beautiful things. I can say that now, feeling somewhat smug that my novel, the very novel for which I have said beautiful rejection letters, has found a home. That it took six years is a fact that I do my best to repress. They were six very very long years. Does it […]

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