My Path to Publication During Lockdown

August 19, 2021 | By | 1 Reply More

My Path to Publication with One More Chapter, HarperCollins – Julie Shackman

I have been infatuated by books and creative writing from an early age.

I would buy so many exercise jotters and note books and fill them with my stories and when it was time to write creative essays at school, I was in my element.

This passion for reading and writing continued and I eventually became a journalist, but the lure of writing feel-good fiction became too irresistible several years ago. That was when I had my first two books, Rock My World and Hero or Zero, digitally published by the London based independent publisher Not So Noble Books.

But like so many authors, I always dreamt of securing a traditional publisher and holding a paperback copy of my books in my hands.
I submitted my next novel, which was to become A Room at the Manor, to a number of agents and although I received some positive comments about my writing style and several requests for the full MS, an offer of representation remained elusive.

There were moments when I wondered whether I should just give up and perhaps someone was trying to tell me something, but I remembered what my much -loved, late Mum used to say; “Never give up. Ever.”

It was when I stumbled across an on-line interview with the well-known Australian literary agent Selwa Anthony in 2017, that I decided to submit the first ten pages of A Room at the Manor, to her.

I didn’t expect a reply, if I’m being honest – perhaps just a polite decline – but I was surprised and delighted to receive an email from Selwa two days later, saying she enjoyed my submission and was requesting the full MS. She added that she would get back to me within two weeks.

After a nerve-racking twelve days of trying to concentrate on other things but failing dismally, I received another email from her, arranging a phone chat with me. She said the book required some work, but she liked my writing style and plot and wanted to offer me representation.

What stunned and delighted me even more, is that I am the only non-Australian author /writer outside of Australia who Selwa represents.
Once I’d managed to catch my breath, we conducted several rounds of edits, before Selwa began the submission process to publishers, one of which was Allen & Unwin. Within six weeks, A&U had put in an offer and A Room at the Manor was released in e-book, paperback and audio in summer 2018. It was also released in e-book and paperback in Germany.

I love reading about other writer’s publishing journeys and was already aware of the growing reputation of HarperCollins’ new imprint at the time, One More Chapter. I had also read interviews with their wonderful Editorial Director Charlotte Ledger. The way they engage with their writers, publishing beautiful stories that sweep you away, I found irresistible, not to mention their stunning covers!

I mentioned One More Chapter to my agent last spring, once we had finished our final round of edits on my next book, which was to become A Secret Scottish Escape and Selwa duly submitted it to Charlotte in May of last year.

A small voice kept whispering in my ear that no news was good news, but I was determined not to get too optimistic, as I had experienced disappointment on a number of occasions before. We were also in the middle of the first lockdown and I knew delays would be inevitable.

I tried to focus on writing my next book in the meantime, with limited success!

I still remember switching on my mobile that Tuesday morning at the beginning of September to scroll through my emails and noticing one from Selwa, titled “One More Chapter – Harper Collins.”

When I read the words, “Charlotte loves your book and wants to publish it,” it took me ten minutes to regulate my breathing and make any coherent sense! It took a while to sink in!

Working with Charlotte and her amazing team is a joy. From polishing my MS, to suggesting its lovely new title and pulling together the gorgeous cover, they have made my publishing journey with A Secret Scottish Escape, a wonderful one.

They have been enthusiastic, supportive and helpful every step of the way, seeing my characters as real people like I do and possessing such energy and creativity. I am forever grateful. Being a published writer with OMC, really is like joining one, big happy family.
If someone had said to me a few years ago, that I would be represented by Selwa and be published by One More Chapter, I wouldn’t have believed them.

I’m now working with their new Commissioning Editor Jennie Rothwell and Jennie’s vision, passion and enthusiasm is infectious! Jennie is an excellent editor, with a very impressive career in the publishing industry, so I’m hoping that my future books will continue to find a home with her and One More Chapter.

Someone said to me once that a published writer is an unpublished writer who never gave up and I think that is so true. Persistence and determination play a huge part.

It can be a long and frustrating road, but if you believe you can do it and enjoy what you are writing, then there is a good chance the reader will enjoy it too. Good luck and keep going!

A Secret Scottish Escape – Julie Shackman – One More Chapter (HarperCollins)

Escape to the beautiful Scottish Highlands for a heartwarming and feel good cosy romance that will whisk you away from lockdown!
As Scotland’s sleepiest hamlet becomes the centre of hot gossip, Layla Devlin finds herself caught in a mystery…

When Layla’s fiancé has an unexpected heart attack and dies – in another woman’s arms, no less – Layla is determined to pack up and leave Loch Harris, the village she’s always called home. But an unexpected inheritance and love for her quiet corner of Scotland sends her down a new path.

Now Layla finds herself facing a whole new kind of drama. Rumours swirl that a celebrity has moved into Coorie Cottage and Layla is determined to have him headline her opening night at local music venue The Conch Club. But the reclusive star is equally determined to thwart Layla’s efforts. Rafe Buchanan is in hiding for a reason, and soon his past comes to Loch Harris to haunt him…

Julie Shackman is a former journalist from Scotland, who has always wanted to write feel-good romance. As well as being an author, Julie also writes verses and captions for greetings card companies.

She admits to having an obsession with stationery and handbags. Julie is married, has two sons and recently adopted a Romanian rescue puppy, who she named Cooper. A Secret Scottish Escape is her fifth novel.

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  1. Sandy Barker says:

    A terrific post, Julie. I LOVED A Room at the Manor, and it was fantastic to hear the news that you were joining the One More Chapter family. I’ve been working with Jennie Rothwell too and she’s brilliant.

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