Author Archive: Jessica McCann

Yard Work Makes Me a Better Writer
By Jessica McCann A curious epiphany followed the release of my second novel: yard work makes me a better writer. I’ve been blessed to receive many kind words about the writing, characters and themes in Peculiar Savage Beauty, a historical novel set in the 1930s Dust Bowl. But one recent comment in particular made my […]

Drawing Novel Ideas from the Dust
Novelists are often asked how they find ideas. Frankly, the ideas usually often find us. That’s the short, smart-alecky answer nobody wants to hear, but it’s hard to provide more detail to such a broad question. Since the release of my second historical novel, Peculiar Savage Beauty, many readers have asked specifically how the idea […]

Hold the Lecture and Keep Book Pages Turning
There are few things worse than being lectured by a novelist when you want to be entertained. That’s not to say entertaining fiction can only be happy and inconsequential. Both of my historical novels address weighty events in U.S. history – slavery and environmental ruin, discrimination and economic disaster. When weaving a tale with subject […]
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