Comments on: On Rewriting Real-Life Tragedy: Part II Thu, 27 Jun 2019 13:04:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kimberly Belle Thu, 27 Jun 2019 13:04:02 +0000 ]]> In reply to Linda Moore.

Hi Linda, first off, I am so, so sorry to hear about your friend Cathy. It’s heartbreaking for everyone involved, especially that baby. I hope he’s okay and has found a loving, supportive home. And I’m so happy you emerged from your own experience, and found a partner you not just love but also like – so important in a relationship! You’re right, abuse is horrible, and that’s why it’s so important to tell these stories, not just once but often and constantly. If even one reader gets help after reading one of my books, it’s worth it IMO! All the best to you, and thanks for reading! 💖

By: Linda Moore Wed, 26 Jun 2019 23:29:17 +0000 I love your books. My best friend since 1st grade was killed by her husband. They had a baby boy who was just a couple of weeks old. He got life for it. I miss Cathy so so much and wish I could have helped her. Abuse is awful and leaves you feeling so helpless. I’m lucky to be married to a wonderful man who would never raise his hand to me. Cathy was not so lucky. I’m sorry about your friend. It’s great she got away and yes he deserved to die. That is KARMA. I hope he hurt. I’m sorry if that sounds awful but it’s how I feel. I was abused by my mother and the first guy I ever dated. It took me a long time to trust men again and fortunately I married my best friend and haven’t had to endure any of that ever again. I haven’t seen my mother since I was 17 and the guy that was so abusive and raped me is long gone. Karma is a bitch at times.
I loved your book Dear Wife. It was totally awesome. One of the very best books I have ever read.
