Comments on: Why Working Out Is Imperative For Writers And Their Writing Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:42:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sweta Vikram Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:42:08 +0000 In reply to Leslie Tall Manning.

Hi Leslie,

Thank you for reading! I am sorry to hear about your C3 and C4 being fused together. My gosh, I can so relate to the neck pain!! Have struggled with it. Have you considered acupuncture? It helped me tons when my neck was bothering me a few years ago. Of course, I’d recommend checking with your doctor but thought I’d share.

Stay healthy and happy writing.

By: Sweta Vikram Mon, 22 Jul 2019 13:16:18 +0000 In reply to Lydia.

Hi Lydia,

Thank you for reading and sharing your views. Glad the piece resonated with you.

Have a wonderful day,

By: Lydia Mon, 22 Jul 2019 12:20:13 +0000 This is a great post. Exercise is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for those of us who have sedentary jobs. Good reminder.

By: Leslie Tall Manning Fri, 19 Jul 2019 17:03:28 +0000 Great article! I cannot believe there are writers (and others in professions where sitting is part of the job) that do not believe there are dangerous ramifications from lack of movement. A few years ago, I bought a standing desk. Thirty bucks. It has moveable parts depending on where I want to use it. I have it on my office desk, and I stand to write. I have no chair in my office. Not even a ball. I stand. I move. I stretch. I do not look at social media at all while I write for 3-4 hours, four days a week, so my neck is not stressed. I stand tall. The taller, the better.

Last fall, I discovered through an MRI that my C3 and C4 discs are fused together, preventing me from moving my neck like I used to. Docs tell me it is genetic. But I believe I did it to myself by not moving my neck enough. People, listen to Sweta: If you don’t use it, you lose it. Take breaks. Bend over. Do an open hip stretch. Take a walk around the block. What’s the point of writing if you don’t live long enough to enjoy the payoff that may come one day? Stay centered, stay balanced, stay healthy. Too much of one thing is never good. Namaste.
