Comments on: NaNoWriMo: Getting to 65 Thousand by 11.24 Thu, 01 Dec 2011 15:46:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caroline Gerardo Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:17:51 +0000 I’m at 52,289 this morningat 6 AM.

I haven’t posted online, nor watched TV or cut flowers in my garden.

Fortunately the friends who noticed I was pretty silent sent emails of encouragement, I don’t follow any particular shows and the news just rolls on and it rained so the pots with fuschias, orchids and plumerias look fine in the hot house and the yard.

I did endulge in a few luxuries- hiking every day with a notebook and my camera. Will share a picture of a local mountain lion, the rain in Sycamore Canyon and ideas for a poem in honor of Nano- all unfinished and not downloaded.

My children have been wonderful, doing their homework for extra hours, they gave the dogs a bath and fed them and picked up (all the deals they made in exchange for getting puppies but seem to require nagging to normally happen) my daughter made a big turkey lasagna last night and shared with my sister (who lives up the street), her husband and the nephews as my brother in law the fireman who just had surgery.

A team effort, a journey that I’m happy to almost be close to the end.

Convinced my work not to send me to Toronto to work with the digital team there until after Thanksgiving. Boyfriend decided to date someone else (kinda found out about that mid stream) ugh.

Go see my post about melodramas and hangings

Didn’t blog much, just couldn’t

Didn’t keep my, what I call, “maintain and grow the platform”, so my Klout score is way down.


The novel changed half way through from first person narrative in the eyes of my heroine, Natalie the retired MI5 (Military Intelligence Section 5) to second person over the shoulder of the eco-terrorists who are quite evil. I sent the first half of the story to three people – the FBI agent who advised, my Mom the super beta reader, and a friend who is retired MI5. I asked them not to give input until after the 24th when I will, come hell or high water ( the novel is called THE RIVER), have a first draft.

By: Women Writers, Women's Books Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:37:29 +0000 Caroline, Thank you so much for sharing how you prepared for the month long endeavor to write a novel, while still taking care of yourself and your family as a single mother. Probably everyone participating is reducing their online conversations to keep all their writing for their novels, explaining the quiet here. We hope you’ll let us know how it went when it’s done. – Anora
