Author Archive: Women Writers Women Books
Dutch by birth and serial emigrant, Barbara currently lives with her husband and daughter in a tiny village in Galicia, Spain, as basic and simple as can be. W Barbara's website.

BROKEN BAYOU by Jennifer Moorhead, EXCERPT
BROKEN BAYOU In this debut thriller, a troubled child psychologist returns to a small Louisiana town to protect her secrets but winds up having to protect her life. Dr. Willa Watters is a prominent child psychologist at the height of her career. But when a viral video of a disastrous television interview puts her reputation […]

Bringing My Heart Manuscript into the World
As an adult writer, my dream ambition was to write a multicultural romance between an English girl and an Iranian, because of my own personal connection to the story. But rather than having my fictitious couple settling in England, I wanted to have the majority of the story based in 1950s Iran. The idea was […]

Plot or Bust in 5 Easy Steps
by New York Times Bestselling author Marina Adair The feud between plotters and pantsers in the writing world is as old as that of the Hatfields and McCoys. I fall squarely on the side of the plotters, driven by the beauty between the spontaneity and creativity that falls within the framework of a structured story. […]

The Process of Writing My Memoir, by Penny Lane
I knew being a voracious lifelong reader did not necessarily make me a good writer. When I read the gorgeous prose of Arundhati Roy in “The God of Small Things,” I said to myself I can never write like that. My career had taught me to write short, concise, and to the point, but nothing […]

By Tracy Badua Writing can be such a solitary pursuit: just you and a writing instrument, for hours on end. But it doesn’t have to be. For our upcoming middle grade book, Alechia Dow and I worked together in outlining, drafting, revising, and stress-baking over The Cookie Crumbles, a murder mystery centered on a kids […]

On Writing Below Luck Level by Barbara Erasmus
Hannah wants her terminally-ill mother to die like a dog. Like a beloved, cherished dog, stroked, gentle-handed, by a loving owner, beside a qualified professional who’ll inject a measured dose to make the ending less traumatic. Fortunately for me, Below Luck Level, my novel about early-Alzheimer’s and assisted suicide, is fiction. Authors of non-fiction books […]

By Cathleen Watkins It would be difficult to write convincingly about performing a complex surgery or piloting a plane if you’ve never done these things. This is why aspiring writers are told, “Write what you know. Draw from what’s familiar.” Like most writers, I can find aspects of my daily life to write about. For […]

From the Subterranean Murmurs of her Sister Soul
Gemma June Howell’s debut novel The Crazy Truth is a hybrid poetry novel following the story of valleys poet, Girlo Wolf. Set in post-industrial Britain, spanning four decades, this novel follows Girlo’s journey as she battles with mental health and childhood trauma. Through her experiences and those of her working-class community, Girlo discovers that her […]

Family Declassified: Uncovering My Grandfather’s Journey from Spy to Children’s Book Author
by Katherine Fennelly I didn’t learn that my grandfather had been a spy or that I was Jewish until I was an adult. These discoveries motivated me to conduct several years of research that uncovered a web of family secrets. My grandfather’s name was Francis Kalnay, but we all called him “Ferko”. When I was […]

Where are the Female Fictional Characters with ADHD?
By Lisa Timoney Whilst my eldest daughter was undergoing a diagnosis for ADHD, I embarked on a massive learning curve, absorbing as much information about the condition as I could. The truth about how ADHD presents in women was entirely new to me. I thought behavioural issues and hyperactivity were defining factors, but my daughter […]
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