Author Archive: Carol Fragale-Brill

Why We Should Reconsider The Way We Review Books
If you are an author, the uncanny ability of book reviews and ratings to fill your day with sunshine or suck you into a storm cloud may resonate with you. I’ve basked in the glow of thumbs-up reviews and ratings, and endured the gloom of a few poor ones, those fretful 1’s or 2’s on […]

How To Ignite Your Creativity, The Artist’s Way
Do you ever feel as if your creativity needs a boost? You may know Julia Cameron, the author of The Artist’s Way, is a multi-talented artist and bestselling author respected for her simple and structured approach to helping artists across disciplines discover and nurture their creativity. Ms. Cameron’s belief that each individual is innately creative […]

Writing a Novel? Bit like Birthing an Elephant..
Years ago, there was a poster on the conference room wall at work that jokingly referred to birthing an elephant. It’s been over 20 years, so I am paraphrasing, but it went something like, “Working here is like birthing an elephant. Everything takes too many months, is accompanied by a chorus of screeching and protesting, […]

4 Things You Must Know About Reaching Your Writing Goals
As we flip calendar pages and the year changes from 2013 to 2014, any of us will look back, count up victories, suck up disappointments, and gaze forward with renewed resolve that this is the year we will finally figure out how to achieve that goal. I’m a pretty persistent person, but I won’t lie. More […]
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