Author Archive: Meredith Schorr

Expectations can be as dirty a word as some of those four-letter ones I won’t spell out. It can be devastating when our plans don’t unfold the way we assume they will. In my coming-on-ten years as a published author, I’ve learned the benefits of managing my expectations toward writing and publishing. It’s an ongoing learning process and I don’t […]

One Life Changing Invitation
With one invitation, my life was changed in the most miraculous of ways. I can barely remember my life before Samantha Stroh Bailey, Josie Brown, Eileen Goudge, Francine LaSala, Jen Tucker, and Julie Valerie became a part of it. We were brought together as a group in May, 2013 during the annual Book Expo America […]

Five Things I’ve Learned from Attending a Writer’s Conference
I’m always so inspired after spending time with authors, and I strive to hone my craft with each book I create. A writer’s conference is a great way to combine these activities. This is why I designated 2018: The Year of the Writer’s Conference. The first conference of the year was in April—The Muse and […]

Changing Publishers
I tend to abide by the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” motto. I’ve held the same job for almost twenty years, been wearing my hair in the same style (give or take the bangs) most of my adult life, and I don’t immediately purchase “the next best thing” if my current devices are […]
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