Author Archive: Patricia Sands
Patricia Sands lives in Toronto, Canada and has degrees from the University of Waterloo and York University. With a happily blended family of seven adult children and, at last count, six grandchildren, life is full and time is short. Beginning with her first Kodak Brownie camera at the age of six, she has told stories all of her life through photography. Much to her surprise a few years ago, she began to write. Her debut novel The Bridge Club was published through iUniverse in September 2010. Currently at work on her second novel, Patricia admits the writing muse has possessed her. She is particularly drawn to the rewarding friendships of women and the challenges many embrace once their families are grown. "It's never too late to begin something new," she enthuses. "As the saying goes, just do it!"
Patricia and her husband will be living in Antibes, France until September 30th. Her camera will be her constant companion when she isn't working on her second novel, part of which will be set in the area. If you have any travel questions about the area, she will be delighted to try and answer them as she knows it well. She will be blogging about the experience too.

The Power Of The Tiara
With two previous posts in WWWB in 2020 about Kathy L. Murphy’s International Pulpwood Queens Girlfriends Weekend, I’m not here to repeat all of the somewhat unbelievable details of this annual book extravaganza … all of which are in fact true, by the way! Rather, I am here to attest that no pandemic was going […]

Let’s Hear It for Book Clubs!
As an author, I love visiting with book clubs. Do you? As a reader, I love being part of a book club for all sorts of reasons you will see below. Recently there seems to have been a marked upswing in book clubs inviting authors to visit both in person or online. IMHO, nothing beats […]

Author Brand: A is for Authenticity
What’s your brand? Do you have an author platform? Whether you are an indie author or traditionally published, every writer needs these. When I indie published my first novel, The Bridge Club, eight years ago. I had no idea what I was doing. One clear message that never stopped resonating was that, if I wanted […]

Location! Location! Location!
This may sound like an intro for a real estate ad, but not this time. Rather it’s an intro to considering the importance of location in stories. The sense of ‘place’ is often vital to the heart of a novel and, speaking from a personal perspective, it’s absolutely essential to the stories I want to […]

Busting the Myth! You’re Never Alone in the Writing Community
This is a little embarrassing. But it also is a reminder to me of how quickly time flies by. In 2011 … I know! … that’s just ridiculous … and I apologize … I wrote this post about women’s friendship for Women Writers, Women’s Books. At the time I had recently published my first novel, […]

Friendships with Women: Getting by with a Little Help from Friends
“Better than any book, [ ] is the communion that happens when you meet someone and have great rapport; someone whose existence makes your life better in myriad ways.” Susie Maguire I thought I would choose an entirely different topic until I read Susie Maguire’s excellent June 11 post on Women Writers. These last few […]
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