Author Archive: Lauren K. Denton

Lessons From My Children…(I Mean, My Books)
Anyone who has more than one child knows the amazement that comes when you’re faced with visible evidence of how different your children are. One loves to run around outside, the other one only wants to curl up inside with the book. One loves everything pink and sparkly, and the other one wears nothing but […]

Tackling the Daunting Second Novel
I began writing my second novel while I was querying my debut novel, The Hideaway. “They” tell you to do that to keep yourself from obsessing over the responses that come (or don’t come) from agents. Working on that second book gives you something else to focus on, plus it’s never a bad thing to […]

Why We Write about Home
Long before I knew southern fiction was an actual genre, I loved stories set in the south. From a young age, something about the cadence of life, the storytelling, the language—maybe even the proximity to water—pulled me in and made me sad to leave. One tradition that stuck out to me in this genre (it’s […]

Sending the Elevator Back Down
Several years ago, I heard an author say that when a writer “makes it,” it becomes his or her job to send the elevator back down for those waiting their turn. It was a great way to encourage authors who’ve made it to the other side—who got the publishing deal or who’ve seen their book […]
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