Tag: romance writers

Can We Have It All?
As I sit down to write this blog, I ask myself the two questions I often have to answer. The first, do I want to do it? The second, do I have time? The response I generally come to is this… If I want to do it, I’ll have to make time! Like so many […]

How To Use Pinterest As A Writing Tool
At first blush, it may seem a little odd to consider a pictorial social media site like Pinterest a valid writing tool. After all, most users pin things like home decorating ideas, crafts, recipes, and vacation wish lists. But as an author, I also find it to be an invaluable research tool for characters, setting, […]

Isn’t it Romantic? The Enduring Popularity of Literature’s Most Successful Genre
I didn’t set out to write romance. Not intentionally, anyway. I started writing because I was in love with words, not because I was in love with love. Growing up as an only child, books were my closest friends. I was a voracious reader, and my taste ran the gamut. Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Laura […]

Tackling New Writing Challenges
I’ve been writing contemporary series romance for Harlequin since 2004. I love writing family drama that revolves around a couple falling in love, but after a decade of writing shorter storylines I was growing antsy and wanted to try my hand at writing a “bigger” book. I spent a year working on a single title […]

Romance Writers, You’ve Got to Own it!
“Hi, my name is Densie and I write romance.” I could be a member of Romance Writers Anonymous, if such a thing existed. Okay, so maybe being a writer of novels with strong romantic themes doesn’t exactly carry the stigma of addiction, but it sometimes feels that way, especially when hanging with writers who have […]

A Day in the Life of a Writer
I would love to be able to say that I’m a full time writer, with an agent, PR officer and secretary to manage my career, organise promotion for me and type up stories I’ve dictated onto a voice recorder whilst sipping cocktail on a balcony (or reclining on a chaise longue Barbara Cartland style). However, […]
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