Author Archive: Laura Carter

How Writing Made Me a More Empathic Person
My seventh English language novel released on 22 May. Hedging His Bets is the story of a high-flying investor, Jake, and his sexy British flat mate, Jess, who share a “friends with benefits” relationship…until they don’t. Hedging His Bets may rightly be described as a light read. One reviewer called it a “summer must read”. […]

Healthy Heart, Healthy…Writing?
We all have busy lives, whether we are juggling careers, doing the school run or running errands. It can be a struggle to get up in the morning, or find the motivation after a full day of work, to get our blood pumping. Yet, don’t we all feel a sense of achievement after we’ve worked […]

Can We Have It All?
As I sit down to write this blog, I ask myself the two questions I often have to answer. The first, do I want to do it? The second, do I have time? The response I generally come to is this… If I want to do it, I’ll have to make time! Like so many […]
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