Author Archive: Colleen M. Story

5 Things Keeping You from Finishing Your Book
Do you have an unfinished book sitting on your desk or languishing away on your computer? If so, you’re not alone. Finishing a book is hard, perhaps one of the most difficult tasks a person can undertake. If you’ve committed to writing a book, below are five roadblocks that may keep you from finishing it, […]

How to Stop Holding Yourself Back as a Writer
To succeed as an author, it’s important to know, understand, and own your unique writing and creative strengths. When you do that, you can build on those strengths and have a better chance of reaching your goals. It’s not always easy, though, to acknowledge that hey, you’re pretty good at some things! If you struggle […]

Why Writers Feel Guilty and How to Overcome It
Why should we feel guilty for taking time to write? After all, it’s a passion for many of us, and for some, a way to make a living. We don’t feel like things are “right” in our worlds if we’re not writing, so why on Earth would we ever feel guilty for doing something that’s […]
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