Author Archive: Shelley Wilson

Writing Research: How I’m Using My Love of History to Write My YA Novel
Writing fantasy fiction allows me to bend the rules, make stuff up, and be as creative as I want to be. I’ve invented realms, worlds, and races for my Guardian Series, and I’ve turned little red riding hood into a kick-ass werewolf hunter and run with a werewolf pack through Sherwood Forest in Hood Academy. […]

How Important is Self-Care for Writers?
At a recent networking event I was asked by a new writer how I managed my mental and physical health when I was locked in my writing cave for hours on end. It was a great question and one I could thankfully answer with ease. If we rewind a couple of years I would have […]

How Counselling Helps Me Cope With Feedback
It’s taken me fifteen years to pluck up the courage to seek out a counsellor. My written escapades into fictional worlds could only hold the metaphorical demons at bay for so long. So here I am, six months into my journey, and I feel like a spinning top laced with hallucinogenic drugs. My brain feels […]

Vision Boards for Authors
Writing for the self-help and personal development genre means I have to walk the walk and talk the talk in my day to day life. Fortunately, I’m also the founder of the Motivate Me Academy so helping women to be the best they can be is in the job description. Using the tools and techniques […]

Motivate Me!
My interest in alternative therapies, spirituality, and holistic health began when I was a young teenager. I collected crystals, dream journals, and books on every topic imaginable from palmistry to Zen philosophy. My first tarot card pack was purchased with my pocket money when I was just thirteen years old – I still use that […]

How Book Reviewing Influences My Writing
Before I published my books, and before I understood the importance of book reviews for an author, I always tried to leave a few sentences on Amazon and Goodreads about my reading experience. I’m a great believer in leaving (and reading) reviews for restaurants, holiday resorts, hotels, and other products, so why should books be […]
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