Author Archive: Tracy Kuhn

Women, Know Your Place!
A man writes some books. They’re not brilliant examples of literary prowess but are obviously entertaining because millions of people buy them, and after all, who are we to decide what someone else should read, right? His books all follow a certain formula and you know how they’ll end but that’s fine. People obviously like […]

I’m just over halfway through writing my novel and the whole process reminds me of the one time I went on a diet. I started it on the Monday morning, which is of course the Law of Diets, and by Tuesday lunchtime I was feeling a little bit thinner and very virtuous. Look at me, […]

Twitter Guidelines: How to be a Proper Writer on Twitter
There are a lot of writers on Twitter. Twitter lends itself perfectly to procrastination and insecurity, both of which are standard writer traits. The key is to make sure that you stand out in some way and, as an observer of writers on twitter for some years, Tracy Kuhn has compiled some simple guidelines to […]

I’m Not a Feminist, but….
By writing this I am effectively grabbing my big pink, shiny can-opener (the one made especially for girls) and brandishing it at one of the biggest can of worms there is, so if the F-word offends you, stop reading now. There’s a feeling that you have to be part of an intellectual elite to talk […]
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