Author Archive: C. Elizabeth Murray
C. Elizabeth Murray is from Dublin, Ireland. She is a conservation stone-cutter by trade. She has just submitted a collection of cycles and blogs at Poethead is dedicated to the writing of women poets, editors and translators.
She blogs on as Poethead, and on Twitter, tweets as @CElizMurray.

Doris Lessing’s little known Poetry
There Will Always Be Singing; Doris Lessing 1919-2013 Fable ‘When I look back I seem to remember singing. Yet it was always silent in that long warm room. Impenetrable, those walls , we thought, Dark with ancient shields. The light Shone on the head of a girl or young limbs Spread carelessly. And the low […]

Aluine’s Gardens by C. Murray
Before the house behind the sea, a garden. Before the mountain behind the house, a circuit of trees. Before the small house behind the grey sea, A strip of lawn enclosed with box. Before the tall mountain behind those six white walls of house, rows of young alders a circuit make. Before the house of tree […]

On Transcriptions: Transcribing Women’s Poetry
I transcribe women’s poetry. This short post is related to what I do on the Poethead blog and I suppose to the area of women’s writing that has been a concern for a few years now. Many of the poems that are a part of Poethead have found their way into my possession as gifts, or […]
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