Author Archive: Linda Strader

When I found a publisher for my memoir in 2017, I knew that I would need to expand my online social media presence and find the courage to dive into ‘in person’ promotion. But how? While I consider myself a friendly enough sort of gal, I am not one to boast or talk about my […]

The Memoir Craze: Thinking of Jumping in?
Memoirs are the current rage. If you have noticed, maybe you are wondering if you should jump in and write one yourself. You aren’t alone. At this writing, over 150,000 titles on Amazon are memoir. Mind boggling. Maybe it’s because more people are now interested in reading memoir, prompting writers to cash in. Or maybe […]

You Too Can Write Your Memoir
Four years ago if someone had told me I’d write a book, I would’ve told them they had mistaken me for someone else. For a real writer. Everything I’d written up to that point either had to do with college papers, my thesis, reports for work, or online articles on gardening in the desert. But […]
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