Author Archive: Heidi Siefkas

Can Adventure Be Your Muse?
One author’s true story of exploring Cuba, living in Hawaii, and walking the Camino de Santiago In writing as in life, there are countless hurdles, hiccups, and roadblocks. There is no secret sauce for preventing the life stuff. Let’s face it, shit happens. However, many of the hurdles that happen in writing, whether typical writer’s […]

From Desk Job to Dream Job: A true story of leaving the cubicle for Cuba
What I’m about to share may seem like fiction, but I’m disclosing it to convince you that by taking risks, being adventurous, and believing in serendipity dreams can come true. Six years ago, I would daydream from my cubicle about travel. It didn’t matter where. I would escape my cluttered desk of press releases and […]

The Adventure of Writing
When you see the word adventure, you probably think of action, travel, and the outdoors. You don’t naturally think of writing. However, I beg to differ. I define adventure as something new, challenging, and perhaps frightening. In almost all cases, it’s all consuming. Deciding to do it and then executing it despite the fear is […]

Memoir Writing Tips
Heidi Siefkas wrote a memoir about her extraordinary story of survival. We asked her if she could share some memoir writing tips with us. Writing a memoir is an all-in, unveiling of your most private experiences to the world. It’s not a sneak peek, but the whole enchilada whether good, bad, or Montezuma’s revenge. I’m […]
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