Author Archive: Chialin Yu

Why do we categorize things?
Go into any bookstore and you’ll always see books neatly stacked and displayed under different categorizations—romance, sci-fi, horror, travel, Chinese, English—categorizations so arbitrary and authoritative as if romances don’t happen in 3013 and travelers never accidentally step into a brave new world. Growing up, I hated those imposed classifications, probably because back then I was […]

Is Reading Still Relevant: Interview with Dr. Ang Sze Wei
Chialin Yu our correspondent on Chinese Women Writers attended the 10th Hong Kong Literature Festival and caught up with Dr. Ang Sze Wei of Hong Kong University’s Department of Comparative Literature.The Hong Kong Public Library had invited her to give a talk called “Why We Read”. Chialin interviewed her on her thoughts about reading, its relevance in […]
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