Author Archive: Kate Foster

Show Don’t Tell … What The hell?
Show, don’t freaking tell, people! Perhaps the most overused term in fiction editing right now. And I bet you’re bored of hearing it; fed up with checking out pretty much every single writing blog ever and seeing this advice; constantly wondering what the heck this stupid phrase is, and why it’s sooooo stupendously important. Sure […]

Seven Fiction Writing Rules
Overwhelmed by fiction-writing advice? Me too, and I’m an editor as well as a writer. Everyone and anyone who has a blog or website seems to be keen on throwing in their penny’s worth. A lot of it is genuinely good advice. But what works for them won’t necessarily be right for you. Want proof? […]

A Day in the Life of an Editor
When you, the tired, withdrawn author, come to me, the fresh-eyed, enthusiastic editor, and say, ‘I need help’ or ‘Something’s not working, but I don’t know what’ or ‘I’m receiving countless rejections’ or ‘I keep getting 2 star reviews’ or ‘I CAN’T GO ON!’, I’m quick to offer you a virtual hug because I recognise […]

Writing to Dissolve the Mess
Writing is my ‘thing’. It’s something I’m passionate about. Even during physical and mental exhaustion, I’m plotting novels or articles, editing my work, studying or reading. But, despite having scribbled down stories since I was young, writing hasn’t always been something I’ve referred to as my ‘thing’. When I was a kid, I’d say it […]
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