Category: Growing Your Platform

You’re a Writer. Now Act Like One!
My entire life had been in a single large city. I loved the important hustle of the daytime and the somewhat dangerous excitement of the night. Art and fabulous food fed my deeper cravings. Still, I always felt that my forever life was waiting for me somewhere drastically different. On impulse, I moved to San Diego, […]

Outdoor Blogging
After 27 years of full time motherhood, my nest was emptying. My youngest daughter was applying to college. Years of going to sports practices and games, barrel racing events, Girl Scouts, prom gown shopping, and everything else that goes with motherhood with kids at home was ending. I could work in the one-acre market garden […]

Media Ready Media Savvy by Alison Hill
Most writers feel that our work is to create the best book we can, and then we’re done, well, besides getting an agent or a publisher. But the success of that huge journey to write our best book is tied to your efforts in capturing the words and messages about your book that will create […]

Breaking a Glass Ceiling
You’ve probably heard of THE glass ceiling. There is another glass ceiling that everyone encounters that has nothing to do with gender; it’s a glass ceiling of negative beliefs. I dreamed about my writing career since childhood and strived toward being a career novelist. I had “big ideas.” But even while writing and working toward this […]

Authors, Are You Ready – Media Ready?
Authors, are you ready – Media Ready? Are you ready to answer questions? From fellow writers. Friends. Bloggers. Book reviewers. Radio interviewers. TV hosts. Questions like: ‘Who are you?’ ‘What’s your book about?’ ‘Why should I fork out twenty bucks to read your work?’ These are tough yet realistic questions every author must answer, and […]
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