Author Archive: Kate Murdoch

On Being A Published Author: The Fantasy Versus the Reality
The irony of releasing a second (or third, or fourth) book into the wild is that there is almost zero time left to create the words that allowed you to release a book. This is not something people tell you about in those blissfully ignorant unpublished years, when your fantasies about being published may include […]

On Being A Published Author: The Fantasy Versus the Reality
The irony of releasing a second (or third, or fourth) book into the wild is that there is almost zero time left to create the words that allowed you to release a book. This is not something people tell you about in those blissfully ignorant unpublished years, when your fantasies about being published may include […]

Emotions and Creativity – the Rollercoaster of the Writing Life
Eight years ago I went down a hole called ‘my writing life’ and never came out. I’ve always been an emotional person, and the mediums of painting and writing have brought me joy and understanding in equal measure. Yet, whilst painting is an outlet that leaves me calm, writing can play havoc with my moods. […]

From Visual Artist to Author
My debut historical fantasy novel, ‘Stone Circle’ has just been released. It’s been an interesting and intense time, as I’ve learnt about the practical aspects of releasing a book. Distribution, approaching libraries and familiarising myself with the various methods of marketing have all presented me with a learning curve. Up until seven years ago I […]
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