Author Archive: Donna Levin

And Then, Two More: Donna Levin
I wrote a book called Get That Novel Started, some years ago, for Writer’s Digest Books. I had only been a writing instructor for a few years, and sensed that it was soon for me to write a book about craft, but they offered me a book contract, and how often do you turn that […]

Your Writing Group & You: How to Get the Most Out of What Can Be a Challenging Experience
Writing fiction is a solitary pursuit. The writers of Saturday Night Live might have great craic (“craic” being the Irish word for “fun”) aiming paper airplanes across the table, and end up with memorable and quirky sketches, but it doesn’t work for us novelists. We must work alone. Thus, we need to pause long enough […]

The Professor of Mean
I went to my first writers conference a very long time ago. It was held over the summer on the University of California Berkeley campus; I believe it was sponsored by the Berkeley English department, but as they say in the movie Airplane, “that’s not important now.” I won’t name the man who was in […]

If I’m Neuro-Typical, Can I Write About the Neuro-Diverse?
In 2003, Mark Haddon made a well-deserved splash with his first novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. It’s a coming-of-age tale posing as a mystery, narrated by Christopher Boone, a 15-year-old with Asperger’s Syndrome. It was a break-through book, one that introduced people on the autism spectrum, especially the autistic savant, to […]
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