Musings For The Memoir
After writing and publishing two novels, one set during WW11, and another in the 1970’s, a tale of a lonely suburban housewife in New Jersey, Sande Boritz Berger is ready to tackle her memoir and share her own emotional journey. Baby GirlI was a war baby, the first child and only girl. In the years […]

Writing and Sex, by Sande Boritz Berger
When I first began writing on the cusp of becoming a teen, sex was never a subject matter of either my poetry or short stories, nor was the three-letter word mentioned in my reading material at the time- the 1950’s. I was a naïve, though dedicated fan of the popular female sleuths, Nancy Drew and […]

Truth or Fiction: Does it Really Matter?
I believe it was the brilliant, and often quotable, Anna Quindlen who once said: if you are writing fiction, many will believe that what you put down on paper is actually true. Of course, on the flip side, if you profess your work as factual: perhaps in a memoir highlighting tales of a harrowing youth, […]

Uncovering Family Secrets
Survivor guilt is a force that endures, whether within the context of the tragic wars of yesterday and today, or the ongoing trauma experienced by families. As a second generation American, whose relatives immigrated from Eastern Europe before WWII, it would take decades to uncover the details of their intricate pasts─ the dark secrets they […]
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