Author Archive: Stephanie Bretherton

‘Attention’ Seeking: Where Does Inspiration Come From?
Authors are often asked a number of challenging questions. From “have you written anything I might be familiar with,” to “what is your book about” (um…how long have got?) and apart from honing our ‘elevator pitch’ skills, we must sometimes delve into the realms of the esoteric when asked, “where does your inspiration come from?” […]

The First Rule Of Write Club…
There was a bit of a to-do on twitter recently about big-name author Johnathan Franzen’s rather idiosyncratic writing rules, which he had been kind enough to share (some thought a lot less kindly of them). My takeaway from that was: The first rule of write club is…well, you know the rest. So when I was […]

A Prose By Any Other Name
(Or, one girl’s guide to genre-busting and following your intuition) When I am asked what my book is about and I explain that it’s the interwoven stories of a genetic scientist and a prehistoric shaman there can be some interesting reactions. Often the initial response is a surprised ‘oh?’ (Even from people who may be […]

Why Is It So Hard For ‘Strong’ Women To Ask For Help?
Asking for support, even when offering something in return, teaches you much, not least about yourself. Having been fiercely independent ever since flying the nest, having been diligent in every job from waitressing to building my own PR business (from unfunded scratch), nothing came harder than to ask others to help finance a venture about which […]
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