Category: Canadian Women Writers

How to Avoid Writer’s Arse
As a full-time writer, I’m lucky that I don’t need to go out to work – or brush my hair, get dressed, and endure getting up close and personal with someone’s armpit on the Tube. No, I can roll right out of bed, throw on my fluffy slippers and robe, and head straight to my […]

Writing a Gay Private Investigator
How did a hospital secretary and single mom of four end up writing a series about a gay private investigator? My wonderfully intrepid and at times hot-headed character David Lloyd came about through a fusion of my love of crime novels, my undying support for GLBT rights and acceptance, and the brutal attack of a […]

Friendships with Women: Getting by with a Little Help from Friends
“Better than any book, [ ] is the communion that happens when you meet someone and have great rapport; someone whose existence makes your life better in myriad ways.” Susie Maguire I thought I would choose an entirely different topic until I read Susie Maguire’s excellent June 11 post on Women Writers. These last few […]
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