Category: Independent Publishing

Impulsivity, Fear and Flash
Impulsivity is something that doesn’t really work in the publishing world. We are wisely warned to be patient, to practice and hone our craft, to ask for as much feedback from other writers and editors as possible before pressing send or wrapping our bundle into a FedEx envelope. And yet, three weeks ago I felt […]

The Writing and Publishing Process
For many years I have written on and off. Writing is a large part of my life and I simply couldn’t live without being able to get all my thoughts and ideas down and making sense of them all. Two years ago, I decided it was time to take my writing to a more serious […]

Elephants Dancing in My Tummy: And The Angels Cried
I have a herd of elephants dancing in my tummy; my head aches and I am intermittently overcome by a wave of panic which starts at my toes and oozes from my fingers as I type; I’m not sleeping too well either. I’m not ill or on drugs – unless you count the medicinal Pinot […]

QUEER GREER: From Self-Published to Indie Pubbed
I wrote my first novel, Queer Greer, in 2007. The arduous process of querying literary agents and publishers started the following year. Several dozen rejection letters later, I was not dissuaded from my belief that I had a publishable piece of work – only that, perhaps, the traditional publishing route was not the best way […]

The Key to Selling Self-Published Books
Self-published authors face an uphill battle when it comes to marketing and selling our books. The stigma that self-published books face is a tough one to shed. And, to top it off, most of us don’t have much help promoting our books. So selling self-published books is a challenge. I have a Twitter account with […]

The Many Lives of a Love Story: The Curiosity Cabinet
As a writer, you must fall in love with the idea of the book in your head. It’s hard to describe this process to anyone who hasn’t experienced it. It isn’t anything like the white heat of inspiration that new writers sometimes anticipate. So much of writing is perspiration rather than inspiration. But the idea of […]
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