Category: Independent Publishing

K. C. Hilton’s Publishing Journey for The Magic of Finkleton
Meet K.C. Hilton: In the writers world I’m known as K.C. Hilton. I recently self- published a children’s middle-grade fiction book titled The Magic of Finkleton. Several awesome reviews have been coming in from many readers, Kirkus Book Reviews, and Reviews are like ‘gold’… and writers love the ‘gold’. Writing The Magic of Finkleton: I […]

Published! Does it matter how?
“Wow!” Co-workers and acquaintances exclaim and ask when they see the print copy of my book. “You got published?” They ask. That question is hard for me to answer. I know they’re expecting to hear the name of a famous publishing house. Sometimes they ask, “Who published it?” That one is easier. I just smile […]
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