Author Archive: Chelsea Holland
Chelsea Holland is a senior at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina getting her BA in International Studies with a minor in Economics.
Her passion for writing stems from her love of literature and journalism.
She was born in Williamsburg, Virginia but decided early on that she would travel the world.
After studying abroad for a semester in 2012 at the University of Cape Town in Cape Town, South Africa Chelsea has decided to look for marketing and professional writing opportunities overseas when she graduates in May 2014.
She loves shopping, cooking, and exploring restaurants around the world. Follow her @ChelseaLHolland on Twitter.

Introducing Chelsea Holland as Editorial Intern
Writing was never something I considered seriously as a career option. Writing was a skill that was far easier and more interesting to me than math or science, but it was one where I still struggled. Though I’ve always loved to read, I struggled to organize my thoughts about themes and motifs into clear […]
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