Author Archive: Lorraine Devon Wilke

The Other American Dirt Issue: Is Fear of Appropriation Fomenting a Culture of Censorship?
I was recently in the NPR studios in New York to participate in the show, 1A’s, panel discussion on the enduring American Dirt kerfuffle, specifically, “What The Controversy Over ‘American Dirt’ Tells Us About Publishing And Authorship.” Seated in the studio with me was Vox culture writer, Constance Grady, and from two remote locations we were joined by […]

The Outspoken Artist: Let Candor Be Your Brand
“An artist’s duty, as far as I’m concerned, is to reflect the times… How can you be an artist and not reflect the times? That, to me, is the definition of an artist.” ~ Nina Simone “Aren’t you worried that stating your political opinions so freely might alienate potential readers?” ~ unknown female on Twitter […]

Should Everyone Publish a Book?
I was chatting with an acquaintance recently when we got onto what I’d been up to lately. “Just finished my second novel,” I chirped, certain he’d be mightily impressed. Instead, I got a judgmental pause followed by: “You and everyone else on the planet!” Umbrage was taken, but the comment did strike me… as sort […]
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