Author Archive: Maddie Dawson

Quotes That Might Save You—or At Least Comfort You While You Write By Maddie Dawson
Maddie Dawson is the bestselling author of eight novels about love, crazy families, secrets, parenthood, and–yes, they have reasonably happy endings. Kind of like life. Her newest, A Happy Catastrophe, was released on May 25, 2020. We’re delighted to feature her today! Quotes That Might Save You—or At Least Comfort You While You Write By […]

The Book in the Drawer, or Writing About Your Family Members
I started my first novel by accident. I was on the phone with my mother at the time—and to keep myself sane while I talked to her, I idly started typing what she was saying in her animated, breathy, giddy voice. She had just that day decided to get married again! To a man she […]

Oh, You Write Fiction? What Kind?
Someone asked me the question again last night. “Oh, you write fiction? What kind?” I sighed. I’ve had six novels published, but I still don’t know how to answer this question. I usually start out by saying what the publisher calls my books on the contracts. “I write women’s fiction,” I say. The trouble is […]

The Trouble With Writing About Family
Let us take a tiny moment from our otherwise busy day to think how difficult it must be to be related to a writer. We are not easy people, after all. Many of us are perhaps a bit moody, tense and insecure, and possibly have a slight tendency to scribble dialogue or check our Amazon […]
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