Category: On Book Marketing

Top 3 Truths About Book Marketing
Would you rather help 10 women change their lives or sell 1,000,000 copies? Honest reader feedback is the most precious thing an author could wish for. In the world where you can pretty easily buy and swap reviews, people reading your book and telling you it has had an impact on their lives make all […]

Why Am I Terrified To Launch A Book?
When I hear people say “no one is talking because they’re all glued to their smartphones and computers” I totally disagree. In the world I live in I’m connecting with more and more and more people globally and IRL (In Real Life for those that don’t know). I’ve been at yoga workshops and had people […]

The Third Stage of Writing: The Promotional Stuff
Sometimes as writers we need to push ourselves to do things we don’t necessarily feel comfortable with. I’m not talking about the content or the writing process here, but the stuff that comes after publication. The promotional side of things. Like a lot of writers, I am fairly introverted and a fairly private person. So […]

What Makes You Pick Up A Book?
What makes you pick up a book and read it? The cover? The blurb? The title? — Women Writers (@WomenWriters) December 3, 2014 @WomenWriters Cover, recommendations, sometimes award thingies on the front, author’s name…many, many things. — Heather Wheat (@hwheaties) December 3, 2014 @WomenWriters An interest in the subject matter, the title, and the endorsements. […]

What Do You Mean I Have to Market My Writing?
We all start with different decks. Some with no cards. Some with no money. Some not even at the table. It’s not fair. There’s nothing fair about it. Maybe it will never be fair. But if you want to play, if I want to play, whatever odds I was given, them’s the odds I got. […]

Daunted by Book Promotion? Don’t be.
I am a dreamer. When two years ago I was told that Julian Fellowes, the writer and creator of Downton Abbey had a sister who lived in Chipping Campden, I believed it was destiny. My novel is set in Chipping Campden, I live in Chipping Campden, he was obviously meant to write the film script […]

The Lost Boys: From Wattpad to 3 book Publishing Deal with Random House
Lilly Carmine started sharing her story “The Lost Boys” on WATTPAD in 2010. It became the most read with thirty three million reads. And then nothing short of a miracle happened. Read about her road to publication. The Story behind The Lost Boys The journey began for me with the seed of a purpose my husband handed […]

Whatever your Dreams…
Roz Morris has been a good friend of Women Writers, Women Books and written for us before. We invited her to give us an update on what she was doing, not our usual guest essay. – Anora McGaha, Editor In May I released the second book in my Nail Your Novel series. Fans have been […]

You’re a Writer. Now Act Like One!
My entire life had been in a single large city. I loved the important hustle of the daytime and the somewhat dangerous excitement of the night. Art and fabulous food fed my deeper cravings. Still, I always felt that my forever life was waiting for me somewhere drastically different. On impulse, I moved to San Diego, […]
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