Author Archive: Kimberly Belle

Kimberly Belle: 5 Things I’ve Learned From Writing Through A Global Pandemic
As an author of domestic suspense novels, I like to think that my premises are firmly grounded in reality. A cheating spouse. A missing child. Friendships turned lethal. Open any newspaper or scroll through Facebook, and you’ll find stories much like mine, tragedies that can—and do—happen all too often in the world. It’s why I […]

On Rewriting Real-Life Tragedy: Part II
Write what you know. It’s every writer’s mantra, what we tell ourselves and each other. But what’s a suspense writer to do when she had an idyllic childhood? My father has never been arrested for murder. My husband has never disappeared without a trace. Up until recently, the parts of me that made it into […]

On (Re)Writing Real-Life Tragedy
On (re)writing real-life tragedy Every author who comes out with a new book gets asked, “What was your inspiration for writing this story?” For Three Days Missing, it was two things that happened all at once. The first was an idea that woke me up in the middle of the night. A child goes missing […]

When To Call It Quits
Starting a fresh manuscript is always an exciting thing for me. The possibility of the blank page. An idea that makes my heart beat faster. Characters chattering away in my head, telling me their stories. Those are the moments I want to hole myself up in a cabin in the woods, just me and my […]
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