Author Archive: Dr Jane Wilson-Howarth

Creating an Audiobook – In Kathmandu
I am a fortunate woman. Our family and friends have mostly sidestepped the awful virus and I have managed to stay productive throughout lockdown whereas many of my writing friends have found it hard to focus. Perhaps living so many years as a nomadic expatriate has equipped me to face changes in circumstances? I have […]

Representing Refugees
One of the things I’ve noticed on returning from any big trip is that most people aren’t that interested in hearing about what’s happened. They don’t want a half-hour diatribe on all the stuff I’ve done and seen nor even hear stories that moved me. There’s no time for all that. When I said I […]

Writing Adventure Stories For Children
Writing for children, it has been said, is just like writing for adults, only much harder. So why would anyone attempt to write a novel for 8 – 12 year olds? I started by mistake. I’d loved the stories my Dad had told me, and being Irish, he spun some really good yarns. He had […]

Making Time for Writing
My life is full. I like it like that, mostly. So how do I find time to write? The fact is that the busier I am, the more I am inspired. These days the job that pays the bills is a job-share. I’m “half-time” GP / family doctor in Cambridge. I try hard to squeeze […]

Doctors Writing about Patients
I’m judgemental. It is my job to express opinions. Is it cancer? Is this patient about to break down? Will antibiotics cure this cough? Will this person be well in a week? So is it right for me to write about my work? I certainly don’t want to write about the patients who annoy me, […]
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