Author Archive: Suzanne Brazil

Q&A with Marly Youmans
Marly Youmans is an award-winning writer, poet and the author of 13 books. Recent poetry books include a long narrative, THALIAD (“mesmerizing…a work of genius”–Lee Smith), and two collections, THE FOLIATE HEAD and THE THRONE OF PSYCHE. Her recent novels are GLIMMERGLASS (“resonant, beautiful”–Margo Lanagan) and A DEATH AT THE WHITE CAMELLIA ORPHANAGE (“controlled lyrical […]

Writing is Just a Day at the Beach
If you combined all five Great Lakes and poured them over the U.S., we’d be under 9.5 feet of water. I live less than 10 miles from Lake Michigan, the third largest lake, and almost never visit. I usually walk on familiar paths with predictable landscaping close to my neighborhood. Similar to my walking routine, I usually write […]

What I Learned from my Writing Retreat
Facing my empty nest and a ticking clock, I finally decided to plunge into the writing life. Writing more seemed too obvious so I searched for conferences or classes. I came across a “retreat” offered by the author of a bestselling memoir I’d recently read. Though I hadn’t done anything like this before, I was […]
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