Author Archive: Nan Reinhardt

…You sure about that? My friend and fellow writer, Liz Flaherty did an article about words once. Her consideration of the word “ordinary” made me go right into Editor Nan mode and start thinking about words, how we use them, and how we misuse them. I confess I am a word nerd. It’s all my […]

Creating and Maintaining a Small Town Setting and Characters in a Series
Nan Reinhardt, author of the Four Irish Brothers Winery series and the Women of Willow Bay series My first novel, Rule Number One, was set in the big city where I live, but most of the action happened in the microcosm of a near-downtown neighborhood that was being revitalized. So, big city, but with the […]

What Makes Christmas Romance So Special?
By Nan Reinhardt I love the holidays, don’t you? For years, it’s been my second-favorite time of the year, only fall beats the holiday season for me. But I’d written five romance novels before I discovered the enticing world of Christmas romance stories. I’m an avid reader of romance—have been all my life—but I’d never thought […]

On Writing a Series by Nan Reinhardt
Author Anne Lamott tells a story about a time when her little brother was overwhelmed with a science project that he’d put off until the last minute. It involved cataloguing birds. The night before it was due, he turned to his father and, in despair, asked, “How will I ever get this all done?” His […]

Decluttering, Literally and Literarily
I’m decluttering. Husband and I are in the throes of getting our house ready to sell, and we are sorting through 35 years of accumulated stuff. A lot of the stuff is things we want to keep—books, always books. Last year, we donated nearly 100 books to a local charity, so what’s left, about four […]

Is Seasoned Romance a Real Thing?
So what’s up with the world of romance novels? Why is it that if you’re a woman of a certain age, then nobody wants to read about your love life? All of us fifty- and sixty-somethings and beyond are still falling in love, rediscovering love, renewing love, and by golly, we’re still having sex, and […]
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