Author Archive: Annette Libeskind Berkovits

Art And Science: Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Annette Libeskind Berkovits It was the poetic randomness of the cosmos that threw me into a terrifying whirl on November 12, 2014. My perfectly healthy adult son suffered a devastating hemorrhagic stroke. I had to do everything in my power to keep myself from falling apart. Sitting for hours in waiting rooms and hospital corridors […]

Why Writing Blog Posts Makes Me Queasy
Since I’ve become a published author in 2014 I have been pressured by mavens of the publishing universe and author friends to participate in blogging—a seldom-welcome avalanche of words. Maybe my ten years at the computer, writing, have turned me into a recluse, but I have to admit that I rarely appreciate the barrage […]

Writing Advice: How Fellow Writers Can Help You Get Published
Like the great cats, or giant pandas we labor alone at our craft, at least most of the time. Oh, we may venture out occasionally to find a mate as do the majestic beasts, but we have no colleagues with whom to shmooze, to bounce off ideas, or to complain about the frustrations of publishing. […]
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