Category: Women Writing Poetry

Do You Write Poetry and Prose?
Do you write poetry and prose? When we write both prose and poetry, how do these different ways of writing inform each other? Is poetry your first love? How does it inform your prose? Is prose your primary style, but you sometimes write poetry? What do you notice in shifting forms? Would love to have […]

Writing with Dyslexia
I wasn’t diagnosed with dyslexia until I was in my twenties and at university. Apparently my tutor thought my handwriting ”looked like someone with dyslexia” and sent me off to be tested. When they confirmed I was, I purposefully didn’t look into what that meant. I didn’t want to be labelled. But as my middle child grows and […]

MariJo Moore: A Woman Writer’s Interview
MariJo – It was a pleasure to connect with you on Facebook today over the photo of the Red Tailed Hawk. I’m glad we interacted enough for me to look at your website, and you to look at Women Writers, Women Books. And thank you very much for your interest in participating, it’s especially timely […]

The Vet and the IED
During the month of October 2012, for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we will be featuring some posts related to Domestic Violence. This one is a poem by Anora. People like to ask her if her #DV writing is based on personal experience. She answers, “What’s important to know is that it is universal.” The Vet […]

Poet On Gendercide – 100 Million Girls
Continued from Part 1, Poet on Poetry – Interview with Poet and Writer Sheree Rabe You’ve recently announced a new blog site called 100MillionGirls. Tell us about learning about the missing girls? There was a story in the news recently about a man in India who killed his three month old girl just because he […]

The Writer’s Ear: Hearing Prose, Poetry and Music
UK Author Jo Carroll very kindly responded to our question about how poetry and prose influenced each other in your writing. I have a diffuse boundary between poetry and prose. I know that one informs the other, but I’ve never tried to define that, nor explain it – even to myself – in a coherent […]

Reciprocal Influences in Poetry and Prose
I’ve been trying to identify the driving force behind my writing. It is not an easy thing to do when you have been writing for so long. In fact, in trying to identify this I’ve come to realise that it has changed, and perhaps will continue to change. Perhaps this is the way for all […]

Making Connections: Buses, Weaving and Poetry
When is the last time you sat on a bus or a train? I’m on a London bus just now. I find public transport a great place to brew and gather material for creative projects. Let me show you. The bus is a 106 from Stoke Newington to Finsbury Park, swinging round corners, barely pausing […]

Aluine’s Gardens by C. Murray
Before the house behind the sea, a garden. Before the mountain behind the house, a circuit of trees. Before the small house behind the grey sea, A strip of lawn enclosed with box. Before the tall mountain behind those six white walls of house, rows of young alders a circuit make. Before the house of tree […]
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