Author Archive: Lara Lillibridge

How I Turned My Blog Into A Book: Lara Lillibridge
I won’t lie, I started my Only Mama blog with the hopes of turning it into a book someday. I read mommy bloggers religiously. I was dying to add to the conversation about mothering—not just on the internet, but in paper as well. I blogged heavily for the first year, but when I went back […]

The Importance of Writing as a Mother
I wrote in the beginning of Mama, Mama, Only Mama, Memoir is a hard beast for family to live with; just ask my mother. At the very beginning of my writing career I sat in a memoir workshop and listened to writers argue about the ethics of writing about children. Yet, raising children has been […]

Beyond Revision—Weirding Up Your Writing
What do you do when you’ve written and rewritten a piece, and it still falls flat? Some approaches to re-vision an essay that is refusing to cooperate. I wrote six beautiful, heart-breaking pages and electronically submitted them to my advisor. It was a great story. Her reply was something along the lines of, “That last […]
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