Author Archive: Jasminka Griffin
A Croatian who has spent the past decade living in Dublin, Ireland, never loosing out of sight & heart her hometown of Rijeka.
Human Resources professional in love with writing and history.

IWD2014: Inspirational Women, May You Continue To Shine
Her father never sent her to school. She was seventeen years old when her uncle taught her how to read and write, and basic sums. Married at the age of nineteen. Husband went away to do a military service shortly after; couldn’t even get leave from the Army when their first child was born. She […]

The street where I grew up in Rijeka, Croatia, is called Hosti. The name is derived from an archaic Croatian word for guests. Hosti’s non-indigenous population were allowed by medieval laws to settle in that particular part of town only. Most of them would have lived there only temporarily, although those who stayed over certain […]
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