Author Archive: Shanan Haislip

How to Tackle the Writing Wall
My first encounter with the running menace known as “the wall” happened at 1:00am on a humid July night in Wakefield, Massachusetts. My sneakers were slapping sandy pavement littered with discarded paper cups. The taste of the twilight summer gnats thronging Lake Quannapowitt was still fresh between my teeth. In the sixth hour of the […]

Stop Waiting to Measure Up: Write Now
Waiting to write because you don’t think you’ve lived enough is a terrible mistake. There was a five-year stretch in my early 20s when I did not write. If you’d asked me what I was up to, I would’ve said that I was waiting for life—big-L Life, interesting life—to happen. I actually remember scribbling this […]

Writing by Ear
Shanan Haislip is a full-time business writer, essayist and webmaster. She makes some interesting points about the overlap between music and writing in this article. In the fourth grade, every kid, including me, wanted to play the saxophone. The day musical instruments were handed out, in the orchestra room at East Dover Elementary, all six […]
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