Tag: motivation

How to Tackle the Writing Wall
My first encounter with the running menace known as “the wall” happened at 1:00am on a humid July night in Wakefield, Massachusetts. My sneakers were slapping sandy pavement littered with discarded paper cups. The taste of the twilight summer gnats thronging Lake Quannapowitt was still fresh between my teeth. In the sixth hour of the […]

Why I Wrote a Self-Help Book
Looking through the shelves at my local bookstore, it seemed that I was spoilt for choice; I was going through a period in my life where I wanted answers, having had one experience of failure after another. I passed my fingers over the countless self-help books on the shelves, from books like ’10 Steps To […]

Dear Me On A Bad Writing Day…
Dear Me On A Bad Writing Day, I know how you feel. I have been there. Your heart hurts, right? You feel terribly, horribly inept at this writing thing. There is not a sentence you’ve written that you are proud of. The best ones you wrote were the darlings you had to kill. You’ve contemplated […]
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