Author Archive: Nicole Bross

Hacking Your Creative Flow: How Tracking Your Word Count Can Make You a Better Writer
By Nicole Bross As a writer, there’s an easy way to increase your productivity that you may not have considered: tracking your daily word counts. Whether you’re a freewheeling pantser who lets your story develop as you write or a hard-and-fast outliner who plans every chapter and scene before you write a word, taking a […]

When Your Brain is the Enemy: Life as a Writer with ADHD
Writing and publishing a novel is an accomplishment few achieve, and those who do know how much work it is to make it to ‘the end.’ Countless hours of inspiration, plotting, writing, editing, re-editing, pulling one’s hair out, self-doubt, critique, and finally—finally—something ready to send out into the world. Now imagine doing all that when […]
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