Author Archive: Patricia Harman

Authors Interviewing Their Characters: Patricia Harman
Patricia Harman spent over thirty years caring for women as a midwife, first as a lay-midwife, delivering babies in cabins and on communal farms in West Virginia, and later as a nurse-midwife in teaching hospitals and in a community hospital birthing center. Though she loved caring for women and infants, she recently retired to write […]

Midwife to Author: A Winding Path
I didn’t exactly decide to be an author, but as a midwife, I’d always been a storyteller. I used stories to teach, to warn, to share personal experiences, to make patients laugh, but I had no aspirations to be an author. I even kept a journal for years and wrote poetry, most of it bad, but there […]

The Midwife as Story Teller
Call the Midwife, the British television series is seen world- wide and has become popular in the United States. People who’d barely heard of midwives or thought they were old ladies who came to your log cabin back in the 1700s have become interested, even fascinated by the subject. Most people don’t know that the […]

Writing With The Seasons
As an author of six books (two memoirs, three novels and a children’s chapter book, all written and published in the last ten years) I found writing fun and enjoyable. I never got my MFA or went to a writer’s critique group, but I always loved telling stories and it came easy to me until last […]
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