Tag: feautred

Writing Tough Stuff: Five Tips to Make it Easier
Writing Tough Stuff: Five Tips to Make it Easier Last summer and winter I tried (and tried) to write a short memoir essay about a short stint of living and working in a London pub during the late 1980s. The opening scene of the essay, in which, on my very first night there, I wake […]

When Past and Present Collide: Novels with Dual-Timeline Narratives
When past and present collide: Novels with dual-timeline narratives by Ann Gosslin In life – and in fiction – I’ve long been intrigued by the effect of a difficult or traumatic childhood on an individual’s psyche and sense of self. It should come as no surprise that I am drawn not only to character-driven novels, […]

Interview with Bryn Hammond and Laury Silvers
Julie Bozza interviewed women authors Bryn Hammond (Amgalant) and Laury Silvers (The Sufi Mysteries) about their historical fiction. One of the things their writing has in common is a vivid sense of their characters living in their own “present day”, rather than stuck in our past and perhaps limited by our hindsight. Julie has mostly written […]

A Day in the Life of an Editor
When you, the tired, withdrawn author, come to me, the fresh-eyed, enthusiastic editor, and say, ‘I need help’ or ‘Something’s not working, but I don’t know what’ or ‘I’m receiving countless rejections’ or ‘I keep getting 2 star reviews’ or ‘I CAN’T GO ON!’, I’m quick to offer you a virtual hug because I recognise […]
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